5 Rules To Keep Your Peace Of Mind When You Can’t Keep Your Peace Of Life

Asmae Leghmid
5 min readAug 20, 2023
Photo by Elyse Turton on Unsplash

We all want a nice, peaceful, and happy life, but at a certain age, we just find out that life isn’t always peaceful as we want it to be.

You could be just a child when you tasted the bitterness of life, you could be just a teenager when you battled against adult problems, you could be a lady, an old man, you could be at any span of your life when that fact hits you.

You start seeing life with different eyes. You start analyzing what you see, what you hear, and situations you went through. You start thinking and rethinking, questioning and wondering at what point it started to deviate, and most of the time, the answer is nowhere to be found.

Yet, you never lose hope, you wake up the next day, you stay positive, you do a self-brainstorming session, you note things you can change, things you can work on and improve, and also things you can’t control and how to live with them; and that’s a good approach, that’s how you can solve 99% of your life problems, or at least how you can keep your peace of mind.

However, sometimes we find ourselves stuck in that 1%. We somehow find ourselves in a certain loop where our actions can’t change the flow direction, the flow of our life events, and here is where I’m seeking your attention.

Please note that I’m writing this blog post as a part of my new list named “MyLife Diaries”, and everything I’m sharing in it is based on my experience in life. Don’t hesitate to exchange your thoughts in the comments, and let’s create a peaceful sharing space and inspiring community together.

Here are The 5 Rules I use to keep my Peace Of Mind whenever I’m suffering from the 1% loop

1. Being aware of the situation

Realizing that you have no control over what you are currently going through, is definitely something you shouldn’t underestimate, as being aware of the situation, and being honest with oneself is like the act of opening your eyes when you have decided to wake up, it’s a mandatory step to move on.

2. Instead of blaming start praying

There are moments when we feel less trapped in the loop and moments when we completely forget about it. Meanwhile, there are moments when we feel the most helpless and the most desperate in our entire life.

Believe me or not, if you manage to control yourself at that time you will become the strongest you’ve ever been, it’s like tightening up your immunity over time against upcoming struggles, and as a result, they won’t shake you as they used to do.

At that time, don’t let your weakness get all over you, and most of all don’t let it push you towards blaming others for this and that, as it won’t make you any good, except planting hatred and resentment in your heart.

In my case, as a Muslim, I learned that instead of blaming someone for his bad, it’s better to pray to Allah to set him right, and instead of blaming myself for my inability, I entrust my affairs to Allah, and this helps me maintain my inner peace ever since.

In other words, blaming is setting your heart on fire while praying is splashing it with cold water, with ease and peace, with faith in the rainbow following the rain, in the calm following the storm, and in the new you after the sunrise.

We can’t ensure the peace of our lives, but we can develop our inner peace over time.

3. Find your healing activity

Now that the trigger moment has already blown you out, it sure makes you overthink the situation, and if you didn’t stop it right away, your heavy heart will drown you deep in the sea of sorrows. Here you have to be quick-witted and switch to the rescue mode, which I also call a healing activity.

We all have something we love to do, something that makes us completely disconnected from the world, something that gets us lost in it and lose track of time while doing it. It can be a simple activity such as walking, writing, or coloring, as it can be a more sophisticated activity such as meditation, playing music, or phishing. If that activity has already passed your mind while reading this, then you must consider practicing it more whenever the light starts fading in your eyes. It will not just stops you from overthinking, but it will also bring you back to life.

4. Having no control over a problem doesn’t mean having no life

Life is all about ups and downs, that’s completely right, but what if the downs are taking longer? What if the downs are more frequent than the ups? Does that mean we have to remain distressed and hopeless our entire life? Guess what? Not really!

The maturity and the real power are to find you a way to live and grow within what you are going through, and it’s not something to be achieved as soon as you decided to, but it can be achieved by consistent attempts, strong beliefs and values like faith and patience.

5. It’s a period of life and it shall pass

As we reach the 5th rule, I sincerely hope that my blog helps you clear your mind, helps revive your positive thinking towards your everyday life, and most importantly helps you realize that we don’t have to wait for the peaceful day, the peaceful month, or even the peaceful year to start smiling, going out, practicing what we love, going back to see our friends, and so on, but we have to learn to maintain our peace of mind and our emotional stability no matter what we are going through.

As I named the rule “It’s a period of time and it shall pass”, and it’s entirely up to us where and how we will be standing when the 1% loop has finally vanished. Did we become isolated, with anxiety, depression, and heart problems? Or did we learn to embrace the radical acceptance, and become mentally strong and resilient? Think about it!

This blog started as a private diary and ended as a shared story.

If you like this kind of content let me know, and I’ll be sharing more informative stories of my life diaries!



Asmae Leghmid

Pentester & Cybersecurity Researcher by day. Hustler by night & weekends.